Monday, 31 March 2014

How to obtain the amazing new level 70 Hellfire Ring

Today i will show you guys how to obtain the new and improved Hellfire Ring for level 70. Much like its previous version this ring has no level requirement but has an extra 10% experience gain making it 45%, also the level 70 version can roll up to 500 int/str/dex.

I will explain what you need for this bad boy, and where you can find everything needed to make yourself a proud owner of the new and improved hellfire ring. So without any further ado lets get started

1. Keys and where to find them!

First of you need to aquire 4 different keys. Each of these keys drop from special Unique monsters found in specific areas. The easiest way to have acces to all keys is simply in addventure and bounty modes. This way you can swap between act during the same game without having to recreate new games every time.

  • first you need the "key of Bones", found on Odeg the Keywarden in Act 1 - Fields of Misery.
  • Second you will need the "key of Gluttony", found on Sokahr the Keywarden in Act 2 - Dahlgur Oasis 
  • The third key will be the "key of War", found on Xah'Rith the Keywarden in Act 3 - Stonefort
  • The final key will be the "key of Evil", found on Nekarat the Keywarden in Act 4 - Silver Spire Level 1

2. Infernal Machines.

Now that you have all the keys needed it is time to combine them into the Infernal Machines. But first you need to aquire the Blacksmithing plan to create those machines. This plan is dropped from Nekarat the Keywarden in Act 4 - Silver Spire Level 1. Once you have the plan and used it you have learned how to create the infernal machines. Simply go to your local blacksmith and search the list for a subsection called "Portal Device". In this section you will see 4 different recipes, Infernal Machine of War/Evil/Bones/Gluttony. Depending on your luck you need atleast 1 of each meaning you have to farm 4 of each key making it a total of 16 keys.

3. Bosses and what they drop.

We have collected 4 different keys, made them into an Infernal Machine and are ready to rock. Each machine will open its own realm with its own unique set of bosses. Each realm contains 2 Bosses wich are the main act bosses in the campaign. You will have to fight both of them at the same time.

-Infernal Machine of Bones
This will open a portal where you have to fight The Skeleton king and Maghda.
This encounter drops "Leorics Regret"

Skeleton King: he will often teleport and melee you as well as spawn adds just deal with those and he is simply dealt with.

Maghda: She has to be dealth with the same time as skeleton king, she wil spawn fly swarms and arcane beams regularly, simply avoid these. Aside from that she will shield herself after every 25% hp lost and spawn a set of adds. You will need to kill these adds in order to remove her shield and be able to dps her again.

-Infernal Machine of Gluttony
This will open a portal where you have to fight Ghom and Rakanoth
This encounter drops "Vial of Putridness"

Ghom: a fairly simple and straight forward encounter. He will often spawn gas clouds wich will deal damage over time, stay out of it but remain close to it so the next gas cloud will spawn near the previous one. The clouds last for a long time and you might find yourself in a position where you have no more room to stand if you don't have high enough dps. He will also sometimes spit at a random player spawning slimes. Just kill the slimes and focus back on Ghom

Rakanoth: realy easy boss. He will sometimes spin throwing projectiles in random directions, just deal with it it is hard to dodge and the damage from it is low. He also randomly jumps to people, again nothing you can avoid.

-Infernal Machine of War
This will open a portal where you have to fight Siegebreaker and Zoltun Kulle
This encounter drops "Idol of Terror"

Siegebreaker: From the start he will have his reflect affix up at all times reflecting damage you deal to him. He will sometimes grab people during wich period he will stand still and after a few seconds slam them into the ground. He will also charge you wich you can simply sidestep and avoid. As a final attack he will slam the gound with heavy damage, dont stand infront of him.

Zoltun Kulle: He can be a pain. He will often shoot fireballs at you, spawn tornados and spawn slow bubbles on the ground. Avoid everything he throws at you and keep him away from siegebreaker to simplify the fight.

special note: Personally i have found it easiest to leave 1 person on siegebreaker on the far side of the room and take kulle to the opposite side where the rest of the team takes him out. This will ensure that you aren't getting unlucky RNG with their abilities

-Infernal Machine of Evil
This will open a portal where you have to fight Diablo himself.
This encounter drops "Heart of Evil"

Finaly, Diablo himself. Troughout the whole fight he will shoot fireballs at you, wich if you get hit by will leave a pool of flame dealing heavy damage. He will slam the ground causing fireballs to shoot in all directions, when you see him raise his fists run away to make it easier to avoid. The third ability he has is a fire breath, he will channel this for a few seconds while following the player he is focussing on, run away from it and try to make sure you dont kite the beam trough your team members. His final ability is rather simple to deal with, he will stand still and spawns prisons around the map wich will be indicated a few seconds before by shadows on the ground. If you stand in the shadow when the prison spawns you get locked in place and diablo will pick you up dealing heavy damage.

Finally on when you get diablo to 75% and 50% he will spawn 1 additional boss. The bosses that spawn can be any of the bosses that are available in the other realms, meaning it can spawn skeleton king, mahgda, zoltun kulle, siegbreaker, rakanoth and ghom. All these bosses their tactics remain unchanged and have to be dealth with right away.

On 25% diablo will make 2 copies of himself with the same health wich will have the same abilities.

4. Crafting the ring.

If you are lucky you will have all 4 pieces to craft the ring. The final task at hand is getting the recipe and crafting the ring. The recipe to craft the ring is sold by Squirt the Peddler for 5million gold wich can be found in act2 next to the Mystic. After learning the recipe at your jeweler you can craft ring.

5. Droprates.

In order to obtain the keys and the parts for the ring your game needs to be on atleast torment 1. On torment 1 you will have a base of 25% drop chance wich gets increased by 5% for each torment level up to a maximum of 50% on torment 6. Also each keywarden has a small chance of dropping any of the other act keys aside from his own

Hopefully this guide has been helpfull, if you have any questions let me know and ill try to answer them.

Happy hunting and good luck on rolling that awesome quad fecta ring.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Trading BOA Gems

I did not find this exploit, just sharing it with you friendly faces.

  • Acquire two or more players in a Campaign mode game.
  • Start on any quest that requires a boss kill. (Maghda, Skeleton king, Azmo, etc).
  • One player place a BOA gem into a NON BOA item
  • Player who has the BOA gem, drop on floor outside of boss area.
  • Press on boss door to begin the battle.
  • Kill the boss, go back to area where item was, gemmed item can now be picked up any player in game.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Bounty runs (extra) legendaries?

So, quick explanation!

If you are 4 people, running normal bounty runs, completing a single bounty each, so it takes around 20 minutes to farm 5 caches.
That's ofc normal BUT!

As you know, chests, corpses, urns, etc also has a change to drop legendaries.

If, let's say you are running 4 people and there are 5 acts in 1 game with 5 bounties in each act = 25 bounties right? yes.

The "exploit" here is:
All the bountie zones that YOU didnt complete, but your 3 other mates did, which will rougly be 75% of the bountie zones, since you are 4 people.
They can have legendaries on the ground, so if you go to a zone that you didnt complete a bounty in, it can have a legendary on the ground!

  1. Chests/urns/corpses etc. are GAME wise, which means if you stand in act 1 and your friend opens a chest in act 5, you are likely to get a legendary from that chest.
  2. If you just tp to to all the waypoints in a game that you did bounties 4 people in, you are PRETTY likely to get a legendary, we do this all the time, and atleast 2 of us gets legendaries, if all the party members just remembers to open everything that is openable.
  3. It takes around 1 minute to check ALL the waypoints in all 5 acts.
  4. PROFIT (Extra phat lewts!)
Tested, and confirmed.


Malthael Fast Farm

If you want to kill Malthael without always made stage 2/3 before the boss (last quest don't put in you directly in front of him), just leave fast after a kill, the save point appear approximatively ten seconds after the kill. Just leave (tp&quit) before he finish his animation of death and when return, you can take the portal and be in front of him directly.and rekill him.. etc... etc.

Just be fast to : Pick up loot, Teleport in town and quit.

Good to farm Reaper's Fear for Reaper's Wraps craft.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Save the White Items used for Legendary Crafting

If you've found a legendary/set recipe probably you already noticed that in RoS they require, beside crafting mats, a specific white and a legendary item, so here's a list that I hope save some of your time chossing between saving or salvaging those whites for future crafts.

Note that only the normal version of the items works, grey or superior quality are NOT usable, so don't save those.

White weapons

  • Punyal ( Dagger )
  • Suwaiya ( Fist )
  • Skullsplitter ( Mace )
  • Tsunami Blade ( Sword )
  • Tecpatl ( Ceremonial Knife )
  • Limb Cleaver ( Mighty Weapon )
  • Dire Axe ( Axe )
  • Grandfather Flail ( Flail )
  • Flesh Render ( 2H Axe )
  • Whirlwind Staff ( Daibo )
  • Kerykeion ( Staff )
  • Persuader ( 2H Mace )
  • Steppes Smasher ( 2H Mighty Weapon )
  • Oxybeles ( Crossbow )
  • Penetrator ( 1H Crossbow )
  • Doubleshot ( Bow )
  • Diabolic Wand ( Wand )

White armors
  • Archon Sash
  • Ascended Armor
  • Ascended Bracers
  • Ascended Crown
  • Ascended Faulds
  • Ascended Gauntlets
  • Ascended Greaves
  • Ascended Pauldrons
  • Ascended Shield

In addition, here's a guide for the Legendary Crafting Materials with the possible spawns you've to look for[]

Happy hunting! (:

Quick reference chart if you want to save it:

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Get your friends legendaries as your own transmogs!

So first im not even sure if this is intended or if it actually is a exploit but im just going to leave it here.

Well around 3 days before the expansion hit my friend was lucky enough to find a thunderfury, jelly as i was i just wanted to hold it in my hands once since its one of the items i always wanted mainly for the transmog thing. Anyways i just went to the transmog chick and guess what, i can transmog to thunderfury! So if you find some hot items in a group be sure to lend it for a sec to a mate that want it as transmog. So its not about IDing it but just about having it once on the account that unlocks the transmog. Hope this is helpful to some people and that its not in the wrong section.

tl;dr: To unlock the transmog of an item you just need to have the item for a second and you can then give it back to your friend.

Chest Farming Spot

we as hardcore players were searching for a chest which can drop us some highlvl items without having any chance of dying.

And we found it. You can go there all 60 seconds and the chest is always there:


Why I think blacksmiths have the worst job in Sanctuary. (funny)

Scenario 1

Blacksmith: Welcome to my shop! How may I help you today? I can create you custom weapons and armor, repair your existing armor or break down armor to its basic components.

Me: (Slams a item on the counter) Repair this for me please

Blacksmith: Oh my god! This is craftsmanship of the ancient Horadrim at the height at their knowledge and power. It took their combined knowledge and skill to bring this into our world. It looks like someone slammed against something hundreds of times and tied it together with bits of string and gum.


Blacksmith: I have been a Blacksmith for a single year. I have only done basic Blacksmith work that the town requires.


Blacksmith: ಠ_ಠ

Scenario 2

Blacksmith: Welcome to my shop! How may I help you today? I can create you custom weapons and armor, repair your existing armor or break down armor to its basic components.
Me: (hands sword to blacksmith)
Blacksmith: (Examines weapon) Oh my god! In all my years I have never seen a finer blade. It is in perfect condition. If I live a hundred life times my skill would be barely adequate to make another of its equal. (Looks closely) I didnt think it was possible but I just confirmed my suspensions. it is indeed the sacred blade Bul-Kathos's Solemn Vow. It belonged to Bul-Kathos the forefather of the Barbarian tribes. This is a physical manifestation of his and his bloodline's vow to protect the worldstone. (Looks at it longer as he weeps silently) Thank you for bringing this to me so my aged eyes can see true craftsmanship before I die. Why did you bring me such a weapon?
Me: Salvage it!
Blacksmith: You ask me to destroy one of the most beatiful things I have ever seen with my own hands! Please reconsider! The importance of the blade can not be overstated.

Me: Salvage it!

Blacksmith: ಠ_ಠ

Monday, 24 March 2014

Archon wiz macro

macro for archon wiz for A4Tech X750 mouse for OSCAR Mouse Script Editor, i wanted to make it for naga but i failed on moving cursor to specific location

macro made for 1920x1080 resolution and ssd drive(time of lodings)

macro is joining game. using skillz on buttons 4-3-2 then moving to portal, enters, enters where mob is, moving to corner, using skill on key 1 and start holding right mouse button on doors. after mob comes to mele he dies there and macro is randomly clicking on floor trying to grab legend itemz. after that macro ports to town and leave game.

after 8 runs it leaves game and reeneter to DE all itemz in bag (red frame) it wont de legends bcoz it wont click confirm button. after that it leaves game and start from the begining 8 runs ;]

Get it here:

Stack 10 Pool of reflection in 20~ min before RoS

Hey guys, less than a day for RoS release so it's a good time to stack those 10 pools that will last, in theory, from level 60 to 65 giving a free level if you don't die.

This is the route I'm using:
  • Act 1, Return to New Tristam ( Last quest )
  • Press M to open your map and directly teleport to Cemetery of the Forsaken
  • Check all 3 crypts entrances ( inside ) while you look arround the Waypoint
  • After checking the last crypt, press M and teleport to Leoric's Manor
  • Run inside to the Leoric's manor courtyard
  • Check arround the courtyard and TP back to town
  • Leave, resume, repeat

  • Pick the chests and kill elites in your way.
  • Select Torment 1 at least for the chance of class sets ( IK, Inna, Tal rasha... )
  • Cap to 25% your movement speed ( You can use your paragon points ) and use any dash you've or movement increase skill
  • After the bonus is gone at level 65~ in RoS you can come back and pick another 10 pools, giving you the 25% exp bonus from 65~ till 70

Be careful and don't die or you'll lose your pool stacks! You should be done ( if not extremely unlucky ) in 20~ min or a little more if you don't have enough mobility or you take too much time to load. Anyway this is best route I've found to farm them atm.

Here's a video of the runs

Have fun and see you tonight in RoS (:

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Quick Diablo 3 Farming Route

In a nut shell:
  • Kill iskatu
  • Grab shrine thats always there
  • Kill elite pack on way to rakkinoth
  • Grab second shrine if there
  • Vheck for chests and goblins 
  • Kill rakkinoth
  • Reset

4 minutes total to run
this is torment 1 because i have had my wd for about 25 hours now so hes not very good and neither am I.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

1-60 30min to an hour

What you will require for this is not being "forever alone", a lvl 60 friend and a pony staff.

Do 1st quest by yourself.

Before picking up rumford at the gate leave game and set it to t6 and invite your lvl 60 friend to group, game will scale down to your level instead of lvl 60, so you will get to 20+ 1st run, you do rumford at the gate quest and turn it in and then go whimsyshire.

Every next resume you port to old ruins waypoint and head to whimsyshire

From everything i tried, whimsy gives the most XP

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Movement Speed bonus up to +150%! See the video!

I bet most of you are thinking I'm crazy and move speed is capped at 25%, and normally you would be right.
It seems this cap is based on gear and Paragon points bonus only, meaning your skills can push you past the 25% cap.

I was messing around with my skills, and found that i can get up to +150% movement speed on my own (no shrines).

Heres a link to the video to show you how it's done


Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Before you pre-order Reaper of Souls

For you people in Europe that is going to purchase Diablo III RoS it might be worth considering buying it from the US Store instead of the EU one. I got it confirmed from a Game master that the keys are global which means they can be added on all regions and if you add the key to your account before the release date of the game, you will get the Wings of Valor.

  1. Go to Blizzard store.
  2. Change Region in the top right to Americas & Southeast Asia.
  3. Now you're able to gift it to your main account for $39.99 instead of 39.99 Euro.
  4. Add it to your battle net account.
Hope someone found this helpful

Monday, 17 March 2014

Farm Leg (3-6/H) + xp. 2.0.3

Since chest is nerfed, i looked for a place to farm legendary.

I'm at 3-6 leg per hour right now doing this quest, in Torment 2 so i can level up a bit.

Wretched mother have 95% chance to drop an item, thats why its fast !

Kill all elites u see.

  1. Act1 The fallen star - Rumford at the gate.
  2. kill first mother (mostly blue item for only this one)
  3. kill 2nd mother
  4. check for musty cellar if open (2chest or 1 elite)
  5. kill 3rd mother
  6. check for damp cellar if open (1chest or 1 elite or cursed chest)
  7. kill 4th mother
  8. check for dank cellar if open (1 - 2chest or 1 elite)
  9. kill 5th mother
  10. check for dark cellar if open (1 - 2chest or/+ 1 elite or/+ 1 gob)
  11. kill 6th and 7th mother
  12. kill the queen
  13. finish quest for exp
  14.  repeat !

Look the path and numbers for mothers location: 

Note :
-there is a unique monster "samuel" that appear 100% each time only on torment, give great loot too.
-i'm using a sorc 200k dps unbuffed, with leg "warzechian armguard", it increase your mov.speed when u destroy a wreckable object !

Hidden truth behind 30% damage reduction bonus.

Only characters who have default 30%-damage reduction is characters who have... beard: Monk and Barb.

Even Crusader, who supposed to be melee char, haven't this bonus because he is clean shaven.

Beard provides solid bonus to armor. Think about it!

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Since AH is about to go down, thought Blizz could reuse that interface for a better Stash system

I made a quick mock up of this:

thought this up while checking things out at the AH. I'm sure it's already been suggested before, and I maybe Blizzard has already answered this issue, but I wish there was a better way to switch up gear and move things around in this game. and Since the AH is about to go down, maybe Blizz couls reuse that same interface. What do you guys think?

Friday, 14 March 2014

Since the devs seem to be unaware of this: Arcane Torrent (Cascade) is bugged and can easily double your DPS (

As Arcane Torrent (Power Stone) is being hotfixed it appears that the developers are not aware of a much more serious issue with the Cascade rune (that a lot of high-end Wizards seem to be abusing but not talking about):

Cascade Enemies hit by Arcane Torrent have a 12.5% chance to fire a new missile at a nearby enemy dealing 582% weapon damage as Arcane.

The bug: the 12.5% chance applies to all sources of damage, not just Arcane Torrent.

Here's a video demonstrating this in combination with Arcane Orb (Scorch):

Here's a video of someone killing Torment V Ghom in 60 seconds without aiming at him at all for the entire fight:

The only other damage sources present are:

  • 100% weapon damage/s Fire Walkers
  • 915% weapon damage Frost Nova / 8.8 second CD = ~100% weapon damage/s
  • 28% weapon damage/s Frost Armor

That's a total of 228% weapon damage/s. My damage consists of:

  • 180k sheet @ 1.5 attacks/s
  • +50% elite damage
  • +15% arcane damage

Thus, 228% weapon damage/s (none of it Arcane) would become:

  • 180k / 1.5 (attack speed) * 1.5 (elite bonus) = 180k damage/s

Over 60 seconds this accounts for 10 million damage out of Ghom's 280 million life.

Therefore, Arcane Torrent (Cascade) dealt 270 million damage in 60 seconds, equaling 4.5 million DPS while missing the entire time!.

...but what if you actually bother to keep your cursor on Ghom? It cuts the kill time in half, giving you a DPS of 9 million. That's a 50x sheet DPS increase - if we take out the 50% elite bonus and 15% arcane bonus, this is equivalent to a 2200% weapon damage skill... actually that can't be right since that'd mean by itself Cascade is 1100% weapon damage... oh well.

I hope this is fixed soon as it's pretty depressing when you've got +50% bonus Disintegrate damage but can't even reach half of the damage of Arcane Torrent without any other modifiers.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Suggestion: Have an In-game Library of Legendaries

With transmogrification coming out, a lot of us will be trying to find each legendary at least once to complete our library of item skins. Unfortunately, there's no in-game way to keep track of what legendaries you've yet to find.

I feel like Diablo could really play up the "collect 'em all" drive in a lot of us in order to motivate us to grind for more legendary drops. To achieve this, all we would need is an in-game library that has a list of all available legendary drops, possibly found under the Quest and Achievements button on the UI (or as a new use for the Book of Cain?). Legendaries you haven't found yet could have a question mark on their icon, their list item greyed out, their text missing, etc. A mouse-over of previously found items could show the item's standard affixes as well as what it could roll, effectively a built-in version of what's currently viewable in the online game guide.

As mentioned before, this would motivate players to play in order to complete their library of legendaries. Furthermore, players would become more familiar with what legendaries are out there, giving them drops to hope for.

Just an idea I had.. Discuss away!

This is a mock-up of what I feel the paragon interface should look like

Pardon my limited MS paint abilities, but I think it gets my point across:

I think that having the stats at your disposal while making your paragon spending decisions would be an excellent quality of life improvement for the players.

Does anyone else have anything they might add to this?

If it is unclear, the white numbers for the Strength, Vitality, Movement Speed, and Fury are what the stats are like before any additional paragon spending points.

Thank you Josh Mosqueira for turning Diablo 3 into one of the best games there are

When Josh was given the job as Game Director of Diablo 3, the game was in a desperate state. (July 2013) A lot of the playerbase had left, the auction house and the exploiters/hackers it attracted grew more and more as a problem and the lootsystem showed eclatant lacks. Even though the game itself had a great graphic & audio design and a very intuitive combat system, it was not near as motivating as its predecessor.

Jay Wilson "moved on" to another project, and Josh Mosqueira was given the unforgiving job as Game Director. A lot of people had given up on both D3 and the new Director, thinking that the ship was already sinking. And now look at what we have today:

The Loot is fixed, AH is being removed and a big point of criticism, the repetitive quests, is being ameliorated. He turned this game from a mediocre one into arguably the best Hack and Slay to date.

Thank you, Josh Mosqueira

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Diablo III: Greatest Positive U-Turn Ever?

Ever since 2.0.1 has been released, the positive is not only outweighing the negative, it's smothering it. Everywhere I go now, whether that be gaming sites or the game itself, the response is nothing short of positive. It's quite incredible that Diablo III went from such a flawed game to now living up to the expectations that it had prior to launch.

I haven't seen such a big u-turn in response to a game in a very long time and it's fantastic. If there was any game that deserved to rise up from the ashes and take back its throne as the King of ARPG's, Diablo III deserved it and I'm glad so many people are giving it a second chance.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Infinite Legendary farming spot

Found it earlier today:

Basicly, there's a rare mob (Purple) named Nar Gulle in Act 2 Sewers of Caldeum who has two stages. First you defeat his Flesh form, then he turns into a Ghost. Here's a plot twist: if you don't kill the ghost, but lead him to a nearby pile of corpses he'll turn back to the Flesh form.

Thing is, he drops the loot when you kill the Flesh form. The creator of the vid said he's managed to get a legendary every 10 minutes. Enjoy while it lasts

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Xp Farm Act 4 80mio in 12min t5

Go to act 4 first quest (the boss with the lots of small adds) chose the Tourment lvl for your gear

damage him till 50%

Ignore him and just kill the adds
on tourment 5 you get arround 80mio xp in 12 mins. as a monk 100k dps with exploding hand(dont know the english name)

if you have a team... try to tank him on the side and just farm the adds =>infinite xp

if he dies => repeat

have fun

Edith: if you dont have soo good gear find 1 "tank" with high res and let him tank him then you can farm it with low gear on t6.... also exploding hand helps alot

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Yet another Paragon Leveling Exploit 2.0.2 (400mill exp/hr on T1)

This is not Act 2 Run, Mira run, Snake runs.

It's pretty easy to do, even with low level.

On Torment 1 with my 100k dps Wizard, it's netting approximately 10million exp per minute. SOLO without Pools of Reflection.

If you have a party, it will be even faster with more exp. Equip a Hellfire ring, and a Helmet with a socket. 

Throw in a Ruby Gem for maximum exp.

Steps to do:
  1. Start Private Game
  2. Change quest to The Broken Blade, Talk to Alaric
  3. Talk to Alaric, go into Drowned Temple
  4. Find Crypt of the Ancient, get the checkpoint
  5. Nuke down skeletons while moving
  6. Ignore shits that takes too long for u to kill
  7. Tele to Town
  8. Logout

Do note, on Torment 1, my Wizard is almost 1 hitting every skeletons there. 

If you could 1 hit those small skeletons on Torment 4-6, you'll probably get billions of exp per hour.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

2.0.1 Legendaries farming - works only before RoS

I've found a discussion on reddit where people discussed legendaries droprate on Normal vs Torment. Turns out the legendaries on Normal drop at the same rate as on Torment, but since you can run over on a Normal difficulty and everything on screen will die by itself (for example - Monk with Mantra of Conviction & Submission rune)... I can't test it ATM (stuck at work) - can someone test it & post their results?

EDIT: The whole point is Normal drops the same Legendaries you get on Torment NOW. In RoS there will be lvl70 Legendaries that can drop only on Torment difficulty:

Monday, 3 March 2014

Cota-Run - get about 1,5 billion ep/hour

I found a german guide to make about 1,5 billion ep/h. It works great but its very expensive (high rep-costs). The point of dying is he maximise XP, he come, he clear first mass creep, and dead for fast town , leave, repeat.

In general the fastest way is to skip elites for biggest amount of xp possible ingame. cota atm are sick runs have been doing them for a while now, even before the chest runs, lol good thing is any class can do this relatively easy adjust your ur difficulty of get a more capable character, lets say there are some that are way more efficient that others

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Patch 2.0.1 - fast paragon leveling 2.0

You take quest 4. Reign of the black king. You talk to the quest guy in town and run through Cathedral 2 and enter Cathedral 3. You will get the checkpoint and make a new game. Then you proceed as in the video, you go to Cathedral 2 and look for the chest on that exact location. If it isnt there make a new game, rinse and repeat. it's not that effective as the old one but still okay =) if you have enough gear just go cathedral level 4 and farm this.

What's new in 2.0.1 that you may have missed.

Everyone should be aware of Loot 2.0 and Paragon 2.0 by now, but there are some small changes that you might not have picked up on. I'll start the list and hopefully I can get some help here.

  1. There's an option to display an icon to indicate the type of item for loot on the ground.
  2. Break everything, I mean everything. You'll be surprised by what can pop out of a table.
  3. Normal (white and gray) items can be salvaged for common debris.
  4. You can jump to any waypoint on the map at any time, you don't have to be at a waypoint to jump to another one.
  5. You can dye legendaries.
  6. You can compare your achievement progress with other players by clicking on their achievment link in chat.
  7. Diamond gems provide Resist All.
  8. You can teleport directly to a player by right clicking on their portrait.
  9. Player hitboxes have been normalized and are the same regardless of gender.
  10. Most have seen a performance improvement in the game. Your mileage may vary.
  11. Gold costs for many things have been reduced such as repairing items and combining gems.
  12. Holding CTRL while mousing over an item will show you the min/max values for every stat.
  13. The staff of herding can no longer be upgraded and any version of it will open up the pony level.
  14. Certain skills can be used over walls.
  15. Commas!!!! (Sarcasm)
  16. Paragon levels now give you Paragon points that you can spend from the character details window.
  17. If you have completed all the quests you can reset them all and redo them with the new loot 2.0 rules including the rules of first kill. Note that all first kills do not guarantee a legendary item however it appears the Skeleton King does. Also note that once reset they cannot be reset again until all quests are completed.
  18. Pool of Reflection gives a 25% experience gain boost for half of your current level or until you die, whichever comes first. Mousing over the xp bar will show you how much of this xp boost you have left.
  19. Shift-click on a players name to see details about that character.
  20. TAB will bring up the level map while M will bring up the waypoint map.

Finally I'll leave you with this link which gives a good overview of all the changes.

Help me out here people and thanks!

Saturday, 1 March 2014

9,537,000+ XP & 80,580+ Gold every 2 minutes.

The 'exploit' is simply farming Act 1 Quest 3. Haedrig's Wife. Torment 6.

Accept the first part of the quest, talk to Cain, talk to Haedrig, run into the cellar, kill everything, complete the quest at Haedrig.


To clarify: I do a 2 minute, 15 second run with a shittily geared Witch Doctor. I'm talking about 115k damage shitty. If you're having difficulties, or want more XP per kill, do public games. There are tons of people doing this now, so, join public games and enjoy it.

Leveling a new character is actually fun now. No need for "power leveling".

With everyone posting the new mechanics/exploits for power-leveling post-patch, I just thought I would chime in and say that it's really quite fun to level up a character "normally" now.

It used to be incredibly annoying to take a new character to 60, since it would require playing through the whole game three times, with the first two play-throughs being excruciatingly easy and the third being only mildly entertaining (if you go self-found and don't spend 50k on the AH for perfect gear).

Now, you can buff up a new character with Paragon points and high tier gems, set the game to Expert, and play through the game roughly once and get to 60, with a decent challenge along the way.

That's what I'm doing with a Wizard now, and it's kind of interesting to visit areas I haven't been to in a while, maintain a challenge, and tinker with new skills/runes as they're introduced. It's way more fun than just facerolling the game three times in a row.

Anyone else doing this? I'm only a Paragon 80-ish with no hellfire rings, so I imagine higher P-levels with rings might still just see leveling a new character as a super easy chore.