Tuesday, 29 April 2014

I just killed another person in Hardcore

We all hate that one person in public games who goes afk and then take the bounty-reward and leaves. Some people just don't give a fuck if they are noticed going afk, so they just afk in the base.

Some people think they are smart by going to a bounty and going afk there, so it looks like they are doing something. I was farming only act 1 at the time, so when i was done with all other bounties in act 1, i thought it was weird he was still stuck on the same bounty for about 15 mins now - thought i'd go help him out. Who knew? Maybe it was just a really annoying bounty (we all know the really bad ones). But when i ported, he was standing on the waypoint... 

I flipped shit for about 5 seconds until i thought fuck it, got about 10 mobs over to him and ported away. About 5 minutes after he had died, he left and sent me tons of hate-pm's.

I told him not to afk or at least say "brb", then i blocked him. I hadn't warned him i was gonna do it, i just snapped.

What do you think? Was it the right thing to do? Was it the right way to do it? I know i killed somebody's diablo experience, but i was just so mad.

Monday, 28 April 2014

In the Diablo III, the two essential factors to farm is the qualified viability and stable output capacity. The Monk never lack of ability to survive, we have the best defense skills in all classes. While, due to the limitation of its output capacity, we can only depend on defense to survive. So, we are glad to share this build to make sure we not only have the stable defense ability, but also have excellent DPS. The core idea of this build is reducing the CD.

Seven-Sided Strike - Fulminating Onslaught

According to my personal test, the runes of Seven-Sided Strike increased 27% after patch 2.04. To reducing the CD of Severn strike can directly increase the attack efficiency. As the main output skill, this skill can play important role in dodging and attacking.

Exploding Palm - The Flesh is Weak

It can provide 20% damage buff. You can release it unlimited when the fists can recovery spirit. Meanwhile, Exploding Palm can get physical damage buff and elites damage buff form Mantra of Conviction. Besides, the 50% monster life damage buff decides it would be the crazy reaper in D3!

Breath of Heaven - Circle of Scorn

Breath of Heaven is the amazing defense skill for Monk, while less people fall in love with it. The crazy output ability and self-recovery ability are amplified under the help of Eye of Peshkov which is the necessary skill to farm in Diablo 3. From the video you can notice, i didn’t use blood bottle over 4 times, all depend on Breath of Heaven.

Epiphany - Desert Shroud

Infuse yourself with sand, reducing damage taken by 50% can support you farm in T5 and increase the death rate.

Mythic Rhythm and Beacon of Ytar

There is no doubt that Beacon of Ytar can reduce 25% CD is very important for this build and the Mythic Rhythm has damage buff for Exploding Palm, Seven-Sided Strike, Breath of Heaven and Way of the Hundred Fists.

5-6 Legs/HR ( EXPLAINED - New afk farm)

The flaw

There are "rat callers" who spawn "plagued vermin". Those rat callers are always x-yards away from you, leaving those plagued vermin's very close to you. With thorn damage you will damage the rat callers, resulting in a dead game over time. The trick is to use firewalkers. With this, you will kill the plagued vermin's, but not the rat callers.

Walk trough:

Take the WP to Westmarch Heights in act 5. Either bounty or adventure, it does not matter. Next, you have to find the "repository of bones" dungeon. This is random, not every game has this dungeon. When it is in your game (high chance), it should be close to the WP. Its a stairway down to the dungeon.

After you are in, you simply walk trough the game gathering some rat callers. Your agro on those is not that big, so you might have to lure them a few times. The next part is to stand in a corner and enjoy.


You will need a lot of the following:

  • Life
  • Life per second
  • Armor

A cool extra is the "rogar's huge stone" legendary, which gives % life per second based on your missing life.
It might be just random normal white mobs, but they come in great numbers.  Hence you really do need a lot of toughness and healing.
Either you can go for a nice 2H, or a 1H with a ruby for maximum damage (fire walkers is based on weapon damage!). While the 2H can max your DPS more, a 1H will give you an option for a shield.

Also do not forget:
You cannot have ANY thorns damage or area damage! If you have that, you will kill the rat callers.

Obviously you can use the barbarian skill "threatening shout" with grim to increase your gains and shoulders of zakara to make sure your gear does not break.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

PSA: Don't salvage Harrington Waistguard without taking it for a test drive...

This may be common knowledge for some, but this thing was sitting in my stash for about 2 weeks before I decided to try it out. The Legendary Affix is "Opening a chest grants 100–135% increased damage for 10 seconds."

Doesn't sound that interesting for those of us not in-the-know. However, it turns out that, much like a 12 year old girl in a training bra, Blizzard has a pretty loose definition for what counts as a chest. They consider anything that could possibly give loot that requires a click rather than an attack as a "chest". Corpses, loose stones, armor racks, Khazra altars. Anything that won't open up if you swing a sword at it but could potentially give loot is a "chest". EDIT: Tsplodey informs me that chandeliers also proc it. Sounds like if you hover your cursor over something and it gives a blue "click me!" outline rather than a red "attack me!" outline (other than doors), it will proc the affix.

It turns out that there are surprisingly few levels that AREN'T littered with such things. I have taken to fighting elites and rift guardians by using "chests" as a mini-Power Pylon.

So consider that my PSA. Don't doubt the Harrington Waistguard.

EDIT 2: I'm flattered by the attention (and the gold!) that this received, so I wanted to update it with further testing.

Things it doesn't work on that are otherwise blue and clickable: Doors and satchels (things that give lore tomes).

Things it does work on that don't really give items: chandelier chains and lore items (like the Rygnar Idol).

Mechanism: It works just like a "+X% to Damage" passive, additive. Example images:

Before (20% skill bonus from Pierce the Veil): 

After (130% skill bonus summed from 20% PtV plus 110% from belt):

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

AFK farming - 2 billion xp/hr + tons of item drops [help needed]

  • Adventure or normal mode
  • Act V
  • Area: Battlefield of Eternity
  • Event: Demonic Prisoner
  • Bounty required: No
  • Spawn location: Edges of the area
  • Lead the elite far away and the minions keep spawning.
Twitch furrowbutt

Credit to Jayohz for helping determine the place and method.

Originally Posted by jayohz
Demonic Prisoner

You cannot kill the elite but instead, you move him away from the area. The normals keep spawning.

I cannot see pic clearly but it's probably torment 4. Can do it 5 and 6. I find it more efficient on 5.

Possible 100% safe method for t6
By vaulting out of the area very quickly after pulling the boss it seems possible to get the spawns stuck behind this pillar that falls down. I have to test this more tomorrow.

The downside of this method is that you can only get 2x3 spawns at max if you stand in this corner. The far west 3 mob pack wont spawn.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Easy Resplendet Chest - Not Safe, not 100% guaranteed

As the titel already says: This method is NOT safe and it is NOT 100% guaranteed.

  • Step 1: Start Act II - City of Blood.
  • Step 2: Finish the first part of the quest - Travel through the Khasim Outpost's east gate.
  • Step 3: After Step II you should get a checkpoint.
  • Step 4: Run into the middle of the area and you'll maybe get the Resplendet Chest (IMPORTANT: There is ALWAYS a unique mob called Erach) - the area should look like above image Step 4.1: Run back to the outpost if you don't like to die and log out/leave the game
  • Step 5: Restart the game, go through the portal, repeat Step 4

So far i got 1 legendary item out of 4 chests in about 15 minutes on torment 6.

I am sure there are much better ways to get legendary items, but this is still a good method.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

How to farm quick xp , gold, paragon levels. [100% safe]

This is a guide, a very pro guide if i might add.

Search public games, (preferably most active torments) keep looking until you find a group in a rift that is complete.
If the group is done and they're just running around killing useless shit, turn that bitch in.
West side A-Town stomp their ass and pce out that yolo baggins group.

All trolling aside, probably the easiest and probably able to be botted as there is virtually no walking needed or chance to die.

Currently doing it and joining rifts that are close to be finished now I'm getting decent legs/hour killing boss and shards. Quickest shards ever.

Might piss people off tho but you need to level right?

Shard of hate proc exploit (barb)

The proc of the shard of hate with primary skill and runes lightning is high and seems an exploit/bug
all primary work but with weapon trown is better

For now only barbarbarian confirmed
For wizard confirmed shock pulse with globe rune and frozen rune

Khazra Den power leveling.

Just saw this and wanted to post it here for everyone, I take no credit for this as it is shamelessly copy pasta from Dfans enjoy. Pretty sure it will get patched rather quick though so make use of it while you can.

Legendary Farm.

After all the nerfs to purple elites i'm finding this a decently efficient way to farm legs, and some Gold/XP.
Chest is 100% 

Find Bounties requiring you to "Clear" The second level of a cave etc. (Resplendent Chest is guaranteed on level 2 of these bounties) Run through avoiding mobs, and loot the chest. Generally i use act 1 and 2, then just restart the game. Running on torment 6 the chest very often drops a legendary. These boots are a big help - http://us.battle.net/d3/en/item/illusory-boots-29WYI0

Guaranteed Resplendent Chest

In Act 5, there's a bounty called "The Last Stand" in the Westmarch Commons, and when you complete the bounty there's always a resplendent chest in the room at the end.

I've done this bounty 10+ times today and it's always had one.
It's all trash mobs so t6 should be fairly easy for players with a decent amount of gear.

Basically just keep joining games until you get the bounty and complete it for a resplendent chest!

I am not 100% sure if it spawns outside of having the bounty (in adventure mode). I've full cleared the zone 3-4 times and haven't seen it once, but RNG is RNG.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

[Guide]Xp Farming without the need of good gear

I will now share with you a method i recently discovered which you can use to powerlevel your alts. Its perfect for low geared characters because it doesnt require you to kill anyone on Torment 6 and is easy and fast to do(by fast i mean you dont need to refresh the game 30 times to wait for a certain rare bounty to spawn)

Here is a video on how to do this:

If you dont want to watch the video read below:

Steps to complete this route:

  1. Set game to Campaign mode and select the quest "Rumford at the Gate" ACT I
  2. Make the difficulty to Normal if you have no gear whatsoever. Doesnt matter what difficulty you choose here just pick the easiest one for you.
  3. Go outside to Rumford and start the quest.
  4. Kill the first wretched mother to get the Bonus to the quest. The Bonus is to kill 3 Wretched Mothers.
  5. Proceed and kill 2 of the 3 mothers. After you have killed the 2nd one teleport to town and exit the game
  6. Before you resume the game change difficulty to Torment 6 and then click Resume game
  7. The quest will remain the same. It will say you have killed 2 out of 3 mothers. Go outside of town and right next to the gate there will be a Wretched Mother.
  8. Lure her into the town by hitting her with ranged attacks. Once she steps inside the town she is instantly killed and you are granted ~10,000,000 XP at level 60 and 80k gold.
  9. Repeat
  10.  Get bored of Diablo and go cook a cake!


Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Semi AFK Bugged Event - ActV - The Great Weapon

There is a bug that will keep the monsters monsters spawning but will not count against the event. The kicker here is that the event will kill the monsters for you and you will get exp for those monsters. This is easier to do on Bounties as you can guarantee that the event is there. This is easier with a tanky type class but any class with defensives lined up should do. I am getting roughly 400m EXP per hour on T6 completely afk using my keypad macro only.

  1. Go to Act V - Battle of Eternity Waypoint
  2. Locate the Great Weapon Event.
  3. Start the Event and stand on the WEST STAIR CASE at the top of the FIRST flight of stairs from the botto,.
  4. Ensure you are on the very west part of the stairs so the Angel at the bottom covers you with their spells.
  5. Step up and AFK macro (I suggest as many defensives as you can any what ever else that will keep you alive the longest on your bars)

As long as you are at the top of the first flight of stairs the monsters will keep spawning but will not count against the ticker.

1 Billion exp/hr + 9M Gold/hr | ANY gear, half-afk.

 I'll let the video speak for itself but i'll just say that this works ALOT better with 4 people letting everyone create a party until they get it and you'll have it almost all the time. Also, if you do it with a party only you will get it but there's a way for two people to get it and that is that one person goes there the first time and then you go there and complete the bounty. That means he starts the bounty (will say in chat) and you finish it. That way both will get two quests completed.  Happy farming!


Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Shatterbone! (The new Manglemaw)

Now that Manglemaw farming has been nerfed, I went looking for another spot to easily get legendaries. I found this:

Act 2, [3-1].
Portal to Khasim Outpust, run through the outpost and on to the next Waypoint. Log out. That's all the preparation needed!

  1. Log in and Waypoint to Road of Alcarnus
  2. Go right and kill off Shatterbone. [Do not walk onto the bridge; your active checkpoint will be moved]
  3. Rinse and repeat.

New T6 Chest Runs

Method & recommendations:

- 15m+ toughness
- a good speed spec (Dmg won't help you at all here)
- a full party running together.

Q: What is the run?
A: Act 5 splitting Pandemonium Fortess 1&2, Ruins of Corvus, Passage to Corvus, Westmarch & abandonded siege camp

Q: How many chests are you opening and how long does a run take?
A: Roughly 10-20 chest per each of these acts, it varies. We do a run in about 5 mins now.

Q: How many legendary's can I expect a hour.
A: That all really depends on your luck. At t6 chests have a 1.25% chance of dropping a leg... It's high.

Q: Do you think this will be hotfixed?
A: absolutely. Do it while you can.

Q: If I'm not on the persons map will I still get a legendary?
A: YES! we tested it all day, after the runs you all hop around to each area and check the map for stars!!!!

Manglemaw 2.0 - Shatterbone

To get some more legendarys go to act 2 quest 3.1
-> From the outpost of Khasim go towards Alcarnus, there is a waypoint. Activate it. This is the point where you will start every time.

Now go in direction to the bridge. Shatterbone will spawn and will drop some good items. 

He is easy because he have not that much life and he slowly attacks.

Have fun exploiting it.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

D3's Diablo Difficulty Chart (PC)

Here is a chart which should help you identify the benefits of running higher or lower difficulty.

  • The legendary crafting materials will only drop from specific unique monsters.
  • The drop chance for legendary crafting materials was found here.
  • The increased Torment 1 & 2 legendary chance was found in this post.
  • You can find the list of torment only legendaries here!

Chart has been updated: 05/04 20:36 CET.

Added T3-6 legendary % & Rift increase %
Updated to reflect that Torment 1-6 legendary drop chance was confirmed at 15% per torment level
Added drop behaviour for mobs, caches and blood shards
Updated a few parts: Wasn't happy with the wording, wanted more clarity

Monday, 7 April 2014

How to chain farm Mathael

1-Just clear the lvl 2 of Pandemonium fortress until the Malthael portal.
2-Take the checkpoint
3-Kill Malthael
4-When Malthael is dead take all loots quickly , press escape and leave the game.
5-The quest "kill Malthael" take about 15 sec to be validated you must quit the game before. So if you doing this fast 1 sec to take all leg and 10 sec to leave the game.

just after that you can restart the game just at the Malthael portal again.

Enjoy loots

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Level 1-70 Solo

It's not particularly fast, but it's faster than most other ways I've found, and safer!

Right now at 69 I'm getting 14m exp every 2-3 minutes. Don't really get any gold or items.

Start a quest in act 1:1 Rumford at the Gate on Normal
Talk to Rumford, and kill the Wretched Mother
After, go and kill 2 of the 3 Wretched Mothers for the secondary quest that pops up, DO NOT KILL THE THIRD, IT'S IMPORTANT.
After killing 2, leave the game. Change your difficulty to torment 6, and resume the game.
Pull the wretched mother that is right outside town, towards the gate, you need to get her inside the town, and she auto dies, completing the quest.

I've done it from level 1 on my Wizard, only taken me about 2 hours to get to almost 70 now. 0 deaths.

I could be wrong and this could just be a guide, but I'm not positive if quests are supposed to reset upon changing difficulty when leaving the game. Either way, a neat little trick that works pretty well.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Triple Goblin / Cursed Chest Hotspot / Imperial Farm

This spot was nerfed in vanilla but apparently its reverted back again and even better than before

Waypoint: Act 1, Northern Highlands

This small area has a garantueed goblin + a chance for a cursed chest that spawns a champ pack

When done, move north to the next area where there is another goblin + a chance for a cursed chest that spawns normal mobs

There is about a 75% chance for an additional goblin in one of the 2 area's

There are also up to 5 champion packs around + an additional 2 shrines where you can spawn champs with Nemesis Bracers

One of the fastest way to level from 1-70 - Better than Act 3 Quest exploit

I wouldn't call this an exploit, but here it goes. Around a week ago, a known Youtuber named Rhykker posted a video explaining an exploit on Act 3 on adventure mode where you talked to a guy that was hurt and bring the news up to another guy, doing this on torment 6 gave you around 12M exp.

Now someone found a so called "exploit" which is based on the same idea, but this one has 0 mobs.


If you do this with a friend, your friend can stay down by the other guy, while you go up and talk to the vendor/merchant. This way you do not need to go back down.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Act 5 - Cemetary Chests + Gold Farming

Waypoint: Act 5 - Briarthorn Cemetery

This run gives you a high amount of gold per run + alot of chests and destructible objects.
Currently running as a max speed DH, this yields me a fair amount of legendary's per hour and about 100 to 300K gold per run.

As soon as you use the waypoint, move north and stick to the edge of the map and run all the way around untill you're back at the waypoint.

If you only care about loot this is best done with 2 players splitting up each side till you meet and TP out with Homing Pads

Use firewalkers or any other passive aoe to break destructible objects. Chakram Shuriken as DH for example.

I'm eager to hear your results!

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Two rifts for one

When you complete a rift and talk to Orek, he will close the rift in 30 seconds, before you're able to open another one.

However when the timer reaches 0 the name of the rift changes from it's current rift name (eg. Advocates...) to "Nephalem Rift". If you click the portal at that moment it will open a new rift where you can kill enemies and the rift guardian.

Doing this won't give you the the quest nor the completion bar, but everything else works.

So essentially you get two rifts for 5 fragments. But seeing as many fragments we get it's probably nothing big, just thougth I'd mention it.

This can also be used to get the 2 minute rift achievement

Easy goblin pack kill inside rifts.

I don't know if this is common knowledge to everyone but few times I hit a huge goblin pack inside a Rift in a public game and people usually just rush into the pack causing 80% of the goblins to run away.
So here is a very simple guide how to try to avoid this:
  • If you play in a group you can usually see goblin pack at the edge of the screen (usually 3-4 of them). Do not come any closer, you can be sure theres more of them.
  • If you see them simply write in a group chat to wait and not to engage (hopefully they'll listen).
  • Simply leave one player near the gobling pack and make him wait there.
  • Other 3 players split up and search for the Conduit or Power shrine.
  • Tell your team to set up all possible DPS cooldowns like Archon or Berserker (in case if you can only find power shrine).
  • When you find the shrine simply pick it up.
  • Right click on your friend portret and teleport to him.
  • Blast all of the goblins in 10 seconds > profit.
I hope this is helpfull.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

[Powerleveling] Leveling friend/alt extremely quickly, plus tons of bloodshards

You can level characters very quickly with the help of a level 70.

  1. A level 70(ish) character with Adventure unlocked (main)
  2. At least 5 Rift Keystone Fragments
  3. A friend or another account (alt)
  4. [OPTIONAL] A semi-high level character on the main's account

If friend doesn't have Adventure unlocked:
  1. Have the main create a Act 5, 8.3 with the alt in the party
  2. Both leave game
  3. Promote the alt to party leader
  4. Hit resume
  5. Kill Malthael

If friend doesn't have Torment unlocked:
  1. Create a torment 6 adventure with a character on the main's account with the alt in party (Note: level does not change, must be able to clear Torment 6 when it is scaled to this character's level)
  2. Have the alt stay in-game
  3. Log onto the level 70 main

How to powerlevel:
  1. Create a torment 6 game with the highest level character that you can handle quickly without dying (i.e. the main uses a 50 alt, quests give more exp than the alt's level 1) 
  2. Have the character being powerleveled stay in town to be safe, can follow along but VERY dangerous if on hardcore
  3. Open a Nephalem Rift (doesn't matter who)
  4. Complete with the main (Optional, have the alt port to you before the boss dies to get bloodshards)
  5. Turn in quest (Optional, log off the main and onto one of your alts)