Thursday, 29 October 2015

I reached Grift 60 on my Crusader! I hope my story and stats can motivate you to do the same.

I just reached Grift level 60 and am now very close to completing the season journey :D Reaching this Grift level solo was actually the task I was looking up against the most, so I'm very happy it's finally done.

I'm making this post to be able to share my accomplishment with people who know the game, but also to promote personal preference in your builds. On top of that, I consider myself a casual gamer and being able to complete the season journey and reach the leaderboard while still getting good grades at my university shows that other casuals should also be able to get that awesome portrait as well!

Some stats:
I'm on EU server
I started playing a couple of days after Season 4 started
So far, I've put 101 hours and 32 minutes into my Crusader
I'm currently Rank 364 on the Solo Crusader ladder for Season 4 with a completion time of 13:48
I exclusively played Crusader this season, so I have no paragon levels or gem levels farmed on a monk or whatever

I realize my average play time is approximately 102 hours / 32 days = 3,2 hours per day. It's probably because patch 2.3 is so much to my liking that I actually wanted to get so much time in this season. However, to support the casuals, the season is not over yet by far! With two more months to go (assuming a season of at least 3 months), you should be able to get where I am or higher with an hour of play per day on average.

If you have any questions or require a gear check, don't hesitate to comment!

Now on to promoting personal preference in builds. above is  my character. To summarise:
I'm using Leoric's Crown instead of Hexing pants
I'm using both Eye of Etlich and a String of Ears
I'm not using the Indestructible passive
I'm using Pain Enhancer instead of Gogok
I have a permanent CDR of 47,22% = 1-(1-0.25 Helm diamond with Leoric in cube)x(1-0.15 Fervor passive)x(1-0.10 Paragon points)x(1-0.08 CDR roll on shoulders)

I did not want to feel obligated to stutter step all the time, so I dismissed the Hexing pants and choose Leoric's Crown instead for more CDR. This allowed me not use Gogok and switch it to Pain Enhancer and also to only have CDR on my Shoulder armor. My rings, weapon and other items don't have CDR, but another useful stat instead. Long story short, make changes to existing builds to make it suit your play style! It might just work :)

I'm really glad I'm on route to obtaining an 'end-game' reward. I was never able to reach Master League in Starcraft. I was never able to get the Legend cardback in Hearthstone. I was not able to reach Rank 1 in Heroes of the Storm. For the first time, I will get an in-game reward that shows I've been at the top. I'm just very happy I did it and hope you will get the same feeling after reaching yours as well!

Ask me anything and otherwise good luck in-game!

Monday, 26 October 2015

Blizzard is making a Voice Chat system

When Blizzard announced the beta launch date for Overwatch last week, it (somewhat surprisingly) said the game would have built-in voice chat. Now we're learning that it won't just be part of Overwatch, but built into itself. A post on the Overwatch blog said that Voice Chat will launch as part of the Overwatch beta, and that it's "still in its early development and testing stages."

The post makes it clear that, for now, Voice Chat will only be available to use within the Overwatch Beta and that it's still "too early to say which Blizzard games will be supported and when." But the fact that it is being built as part of, rather than as Overwatch's dedicated VoIP system, possibly indicates that Blizzard is interested in the idea of making voice chat available in more of its games.

Heroes of the Storm seems like an easy fit for the service, but the idea of speaking to my BM'ing Hearthstone opponent makes me quiver. Well Met!

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Losing Your Diablo III Character the Deadmous5 Way

Hardcore is arguably one of the most popular Diablo III game-modes, for a good reason: the stakes are really high there. While being a hardcore player is something everyone aspires to, the price of failure is extremely high: once a character is killed, it is forever lost, regardless of the circumstances that led to its demise, and yes, that means lag, disconnect issues and just about everything else you can think of are all covered. Once a hero dies, it is gone for good. Of course, losing a high-level character to lag will indeed feel unfair, as Deadmous5, the famed music producer, was forced to find out the other day.

Interestingly enough, Deadmous5 managed to record the incident and he posted the video, together with a sharp rebuke of Blizzard's servers which he said were at the root of the problem. His character was a Demon Hunter, one apparently ranked pretty high in the Solo Hardcore leaderboards. Obviously, being the gamer that he is, Deadmous5 will probably be back near the top of the pops in short order, still, the incident isn't one to be taken lightly at all. See for yourself:

Regardless of how one turns this around, it's just utterly unfair...Hopefully, the attention that Deadmous5 has already managed to shine upon the issue will prompt Blizzard to do something about such server-related issues which result in such high costs for their players.

Philip Thalberg works for esportslistings, the web's top destination for competitive gaming odds

Monday, 19 October 2015

Why did Blizzard not make Diablo into an esport?

Blizzard, who we all can agree is the most epic gamemaker on earth (!). They can claim the responsibility for what I must say might be some of the best esport game titels in the world. StarCraft or the more recent Hearthstone for that matter are excellent examples of this. As the pro gamer you already are, I know that you already know all of this about Blizzard being awsome. However, you might not have figured yet is why Diablo did not become one of them? What goes through the game creators mind at Blizzard when they come up with a new game? And who is deciding wheter or not a game should belong to the esport category, and if so, on what premisses?

From the first beta
When I was a kid I grew up playing the beta of Diablo. It was the first online game I’ve had ever played and it was the cuase of our first ever argument about the internet and maybe more importantly over the bill cuased by the online connection. I had spent more than 50 hours in front of the computer that month, both mornings and evenings. My dad was sooo furious. I had no controll playing this game.. I can still remember a day in mid school my friends were talking about the first boss ”the butcher”. When I got there, I almost pissed my pants. I genuinly appreciated the intense hunt for gear and the real risk of loosing it all down in the deep deep dungeuns held by Diablo. Maybe my regular life was to boring but sometimes I wished Diablo was real. Perhaps I needed something to strive for.

After playing pretty much every game on all different kinds of pattforms I realized I was not looking for something to strive for in life. I just enjoyed the challenge and wanted to be the best, just like a Pokémon trainer. in life during the I realized nothing was as fun as playing a game in which you have some stakes. Of whatever kind. Me and my friends used to be betting 50 push ups, going for food or sometimes even betted their new shoes.

My past has brought me to my present and as a betting esport enthusiast, I just can’t belive that I am not able to see some awsome characters fight it off on a live stream. When that happends I will end my ”gaming career” and retire doing just that. And to get back to the question about why Diablo didn’t become an esport game? My anser is: I don’t know why or on what premisses Blizzard did not make Diablo into an esport game, but I would have loved it if they did :P

Friday, 16 October 2015

Blizzard, you need to ban or shadow-ban botters that make it to the leaderboards

If you don't ban everyone for botting since there is no monetary gain for botters any more.. you should at least ban or remove cheaters from the leaderboards.

I really hope you do this before the season closes because even though many people say that competitive leaderboards are a joke.. I think that the only reason people feel this way is because there are only two types of competition in Diablo 3.. insanely dedicated players that do deserve recognition and. .. and the people that are insanely dedicated to botting.

I would honestly love to see a shadowban at the end of the season of all the cheaters. Just as a nice FU to all those people that dedicated so much time running bots just to find a wasted effort right at the end of the season.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Healing in Diablo is a lot like healing in WoW.

  • People not designated to pull running ahead and going out of range. "WTF healer?!?! 1.7m LPS is too low for 60 speeds!!!"
  • One person staying behind the group to kill those last two mobs. "WTF healer?!!? Why aren't you staying with the group?!?!?"
  • People standing in a molten+grotesque pack exploding. "WTF healer?!?! Are you even using your mantra?!?!"
  • People habitually knocking back your tightly cyclone'd density. "WTF healer?!?! Are you even using cyclone?!?!"

Just like WoW, no matter how well you play and how well geared you are, it's always the healer's fault when some other idiot fucks up.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

The anatomy of a botter v2.

So few weeks passed since the great purge, and we all know he is back, stronger than ever. I just thought it might be interesting to look at some numbers to see if brother chris returned to his side aswell or not. (we all know the answer but i looked anyway) Screenshot of played hours until 15:08 CET today 

 We dont know the exact time he started this new account but we can roughly tell from this: 

 lets say he started fresh 2 hours before that achievement. Screenshot of time difference. (CET)

427 hours played in 18 days 4 hours, thats around 9 hours downtime since first day of new account. So roughly half an hour of sleep each day. Thats impressive! We can confirm brother chris has evolved and reached final form. Now just need gg riff for legit rank1.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Blizzard Hiring. What's Cooking in the Diablo Universe?

Patches have been squeezed out at a very alert pace lately for Blizzard's Diablo III, which has been riding its first expansion, Reaper of Souls, for more than a year now. The popularity of the last expansion and the continuously tweaked features have managed to keep the game very relevant to this day, but it now looks like Blizzard are ready to pull the trigger on a second expansion pack, before some of the existing players lose interest and move on.

A couple of days ago, a posting popped up on Blizzard's careers website, a posting according to which, the company is looking for an Art Director for a Diablo-universe based, as yet unannounced project. Although no one has said specifically it was for Diablo III's second expansion, logic says that's all it could really be.

For starters - as said above - Reaper of Souls landed more than a year ago. Secondly: Blizzcon is drawing near fast and all the other major company franchises have already had their big announcements, essentially meaning that Diablo is now the only one that could produce some hype through an expansion announcement of its own.

 Another fact to consider is that in the wake of all the patches and its first expansion, Diablo III is better than ever, something not lost on players as the fan/player-base of the game keeps on growing. In light of all that, bringing out Diablo 4 now wouldn't make a lot of sense.

If it really is the second expansion-pack we think it is, what could we possibly expect from it? Reaper of Souls set quite a solid benchmark in this respect: it brought in a new class and it upped the max level to 70, to make a long story short. This is in line with what we might expect from a second expansion, as one or two of the "traditional" Diablo classes (Necromancer, Druid and Assassin) may be brought back into the fold in a straightforward move that - given the level of player interest - would be a guaranteed home run.

All the above is just speculation at this point though...and the hiring may only be a herald of much more modest significance for a mobile project.

Philip Thalberg works for eSportslistings, the web's top destination for esports odds.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

An in-depth guide on how Vyr's Amazing Arcana wizards work

This is a guide for greater rift gameplay for Archon wizards using the reworked Vyr's Amazing Arcana set. I consider this guide to be for advanced players.

If you have not read my in-depth guide on Bane of the Stricken yet, I highly suggest doing so before reading this guide.

This guide will explain the Archon wizard and its mechanics in detail and will hopefully clear up some of the partially false rumors I have seen spreading on the forums.

Archon wizards have little gear choice, so here is what you need.


The mandatory items
Vyr's Amazing Arcana (6 pieces)

Stack gain rate is limited to 3 stacks per cast and only works with the Archon Strike and Disintegration Wave abilities
You still gain 1 stack per kill, which is not limited at all
Chantodo's Resolve (2 pieces)
Your main damage dealer of up to 7,000% weapon damage per second
Stack gain is limited to 1 stack per attack, so even with capped attack speed at 5 attacks per second you still need at least 4 seconds to get to 20 stacks
Ancient Parthan Defenders
Freezes count as stuns, so this offers isane survivability with Halo of Arlyse
Fazula's Improbable Chain
Halo of Arlyse
Jewelry Slot in Kanai's Cube: Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac
Armor Slot in Kanai's Cube: The Swami
Stacks can overlap into Archon form and are additive with normal Archon stacks
Weapon Slot in Kanai's Cube: Aether Walker
Also works in Archon form, where Teleport then does have no cooldown or Arcane Power cost at all

The optional items
Either Unity for a more defensive setup or Convention of Elements for more damage
Eye of Etlich is preferred as an amulet, but immunity amulets like Mara's Kaleidoscope or The Star of Azkaranth also work

Legendary Gems
Bane of the Stricken
Helps you against the boss and works very well with high sheet attack speed, especially when snapshotting the internal cooldown to a lower value using a potion
Bane of the Trapped
Best damage gem in the game, since it is in its own damage buff category
Enemies get slowed by the Archon Slow Time ability when inside of Archon and by the slowing aura of the gem when outside of Archon
Pain Enhancer
Highest damage proc off all legendary gems, considering most wizard skills have bad proc coefficients
The additional attack speed helps with Archon stack gain before you are capped at 5.0 attacks per second

Stat priority

To see the stat priority on the items, check out the build on

I prefer Attack Speed over Cooldown Reduction or Damage Increase on weapons because attack speed on weapons is multiplicative with attack speed on gear and thus allows you to get more value out of Archon stacks and Pain Enhancer, but you are goig to reach the cap of 5.0 attacks per second faster with this.

Paragon priority
Core: Intelligence
Offense: Cooldown Reduction > Critical Hit Damage > Critical Hit Chance > Attack Speed
Defense: Life > Armor > Resistance to All Elements > Life per Second
Utility: Life Per Hit > Area Damage > Ressource Cost Reduction > Gold Find

Yes, you actually do not need any movement speed. Because why walk when you have teleport without cooldown?


Active Skills
Arcane Torrent - Static Discharge
  • Spender for Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac with an internal attack speed scalar of 3.0 for faster reset of Archon cooldown
  • Has the best proc coefficient of all usable channeling spells, so 4 Arcane Power on Critical Hit is enough
  • The delay on the bullet allows you to gain 1-2 more Chantodo's Resolve stacks after you enter Archon
Spectral Blade - Flame Blades
  • Insane temporary fire elemental damage increase
  • Scales well with your attacks per second
  • You gain all runes from the Vyr's Amazing Arcana set
  • Obviously used in an Archon based build
Frost Nova - Deep Freeze
  • Halo of Arlyse uses the Frost Nova rune on your bar, so this is permanent 10% Critical Hit Chance
  • Do not ever use this skill yourself, since doing so will lower the amount of Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac procs going towards the Archon cooldown
Teleport - Safe Passage
  • Provides 25% damage reduction when outside of Archon
  • Insane mobility without cooldown because of Aether Walker (also works when in Archon)
Ice Armor - Crystallize
  • Ice Armor is needed for Halo of Arlyse
  • Crystallize rune provides 60% armor, which is a needed defensive boost
  • Passive Skills
  • Extra damage reduction, needed so you do not die
  • 20% free cooldown reduction which are definitely needed in a cooldown-based build
Unstable Anomaly
  • Dying sets you back quite a bit, so this cheat death helps you not to
  • Audacity is one of the strongest damage buffs in the game, because it is in its own buff category and thus multiplicative with every other buff

Gameplay and Mechanics

The rest of this guide is done in my usual Q&A style, which should hopefully make this guide easier to follow.

What does the set even do?

I suggest you to read the item descriptions.

What does the gameplay look like?

If you want to see high-level wizard gameplay, I highly suggest checking out Quin69's GR70 clear.

Archon gameplay consists of six phases. After phase 6, go back to phase 3. If you die (which is basically game over), go back to phase 1.
  1. Build up 20 Chantodo's Resolve stacks
  2. Enter Archon form and try to get as many stacks as possible
  3. Reset Archon cooldown using Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac
  4. Build up the remainder of the 20 Chantodo's Resolve stacks using Flame Blades
  5. Enter Archon form with still overlapping stacks from The Swami, this is where your damage is the highest (since you have overlapping stacks and for part of this phase also the Flame Blades stacks)
  6. Remaining time in Archon without overlapping stacks from The Swami is spent trying to group up mobs while still trying to damage them, may also be spent for going to the next group of mobs

What exactly does one Archon stack give me?

Every Archon stack is equal to 1% to all resistances, 1% to armor, 1% to attack speed and 6% damage in the DIBS category (Damage Increase By Skill).

What is the DIBS category?

Damage buffs in Diablo III are sorted into categories. Buffs in the same category are additive with each other, while the sums of all categories get multiplied with each other.

Archon being in DIBS is bad, because most damage buffs are in the DIBS category. This makes Archon wizards benefit less from group buffs or certain skills, since they diminish in value. It also makes power pylons have almost no effect for Archon wizards.

When do I use either Arcane Strike or Disintegration Wave in Archon

Arcane Strike freezes enemies, which makes enemies resistant to crowd control even faster. There is no value in using Ancient Parthan Defenders if all enemies around you are resistant to crowd control, so you should use Disintegration Wave when enemies are not yet crowd control resistant.

If you intend to ramp up Bane of the Stricken stacks, you should use Arcane Strike, since it hits more often (and also does slightly more damage most of the time, depending on the attack speed breakpoint you hit).

When using the Disintegration Wave ability, make sure to describe a cone with the beam that hits as many monsters as possible within one attack cycle. Since Disintegration Wave is a channeling ability, you can animation cancel it with a non-channeling ability like Teleport to move around without wasting any attack cycles you could have gained archon stacks in. This is not possible when using Arcane Strike, since it is not considered a channeling spell.

What about the other Archon abilities?

You enable Slow Time once you enter Archon form and you use Arcane Blast as often as possible. I highly suggest numlocking the latter.

Teleport is used for mobility, survivability and gathering mobs. It can also be used to skip bad maps completely when used in conjunction with Aether Walker, which makes you need less Greater Rift keys when fishing for the perfect rift.

Why do you suggest using Aether Walker over The Furnace or other items?
  • Fishing for the perfect rift: More mobility means you need less rift keys
  • Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac procs are not being wasted on Teleport when outside of Archon
  • Being able to constantly teleport around allows you to control what mobs get resistant to your freezes and reposition yourself better and more frequently to adjust to their crowd control resistance

Crowd control resistances? What is that?

As explained by Wyatt Cheng in this post:

When monsters are CC'ed, they get 10% CC resist for every second they are CC'ed. If you CC them for 2.5 seconds, they gain 25% CC resist.
Prior to 2.3.0, this capped out at 65%, so if a monster had been CC'ed for 8 seconds, it would still only apply 65% of it's CC resist. As for 2.3.0, this now caps at 95%. In other words, monsters can reduce the effectiveness of your CC abilities to 5% of their full duration IF they had already been CC'ed for 9.5 seconds or more prior to that.
This CC resist naturally decays at a rate of 5% per second while the monster is NOT CC'ed and free to act.
Note 1: soft" CC's such as movement speed slows are not affected by, nor do they effect, this CC resist in any way.
Note 2: When CC resist was initially implemented it decayed by 10%. This was changed to 5% in Reaper of Souls Note 3: We experimented with a 20% minimum during PTR but did not like it, so that change did NOT go live.

This means that your survivability is based on your constant repositioning and that you will have to gather new mobs all the time using teleport, because you will at all times want mobs around you that are not resistant to crowd control yet.

What is animation cancelling channeling abilities?

Wizards channeling abilities can be cancelled by some spells, so you can effectively cast two spells in the same attack speed cycle.

This can be abused so you can gain Archon stacks while teleporting and using Disintegration Wave at the same time.

In an alternate version of this build where you swap Frost Nova for Blizzard - Snowbound, you can spam Blizzard while channeling Arcane Torrent to animation cancel it so you get two Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac procs in only one attack cycle.

What do I do with each pylon?
  • Allows you to recover from death more easily by resetting Archons cooldown
  • Allows you to get more Flame Blades stacks
  • Gather density, take conduit, kill stuff
  • More damage, but value diminishes the more Archon stacks you have
  • Best to take in phase 6, because you will then have the most uptime on it when you have no overlap
  • Very good in phase 1-5, when you are the squishiest
  • Good to kill mobs that are fully resistant to crowd control
  • Movement speed effect is basically useless, because you ever only move using the teleport skill
  • Knockup effect counts as crowd control, and thus makes mobs become resistant to crowd control faster
  • Only take when fighting bosses, because the knockup hits count as hits for Bane of the Stricken