Many people get confused when it comes to purchasing a computer. It’s good you take some time to do a research before buying to ensure you buy the right one. The most common thing you should consider while purchasing a computer is the kind of a task you want it to perform for you. E.g. do you want a computer for an office work, for gaming or for your personal use? Here are the factors to consider before buying your computer;
1. Portability
Do you want a computer to use only in your office or you want also to work from home too? If it is for office use only you can buy a desktop computer which is a bit cheaper compared to a laptop. Laptop, on the other hand, is portable and it allows you to work from anywhere.
2. The processor
The higher the processor speed the faster the computer performance. So if you don’t want to stayer to your computer for some minutes waiting for it to load, consider the speed of its processor when buying. Be sure to do a lot of research on different processor reviews before buying. You can then buy either from online stores such as eBay or Amazon or from the manufacturers.
3. RAM
The more the RAM the more application you can open at the same time. Most of the computers come with 4 GB Ram, but you can even have 8 GB RAM. RAM enables you to open more than one window when browsing too and work on them simultaneously. So make sure to go for the motherboard that has a slot for expansion and ensure it has PCIe slots as well. Wondering what is PCIe?
4. Go for the latest model
Any time you’re buying a new gadget, consider going for the new models. Just like vehicles and mobile phones, new models are upgraded version of the previous models and that means, their features are upgraded and the can, therefore, last longer than the older models.
5. Operating System
You can decide to go for any of the OS amongst the Linux, Windows or Mac. However, you can choose depending on the software that you want to use. E.g. Windows OS will operate with MS office. Though at the end of the day, all the OS will perform the same function, it is good you go for the one you’re familiar with to avoid wasting more time learning the basic of the others.
6. Hard drive
Hand drive enables you to store your data and files on your computer. So consider going for a bigger hard drive to avoid overloading your computer within a short while. However, you can always buy an external hard drive and transfer your files to release some space.
To add to the above, make sure to consider your budget too. But always remember that cheap is expensive. If you want quality don't go for cheap things. However, if your money restricts you, you can also consider buying a second-hand computer.